Yoga & Business: Setting your intention

“We work together in our center. This center nurtures healthy living and spiritual development. Our center is a sacred space that imbues order, simplicity, beauty and functionality. It is a fun place to work and has great energy. This center provides creative, fulfilling service in which we are both successful and inspired.”
My husband Scott and I wrote this intention together in November 2001 in Bristol, England, and it guided the opening of our Dubuque business, Body & Soul Wellness and Spa, in June 2004.
You might note the rather idealistic tone of our affirmation. Admittedly, we were madly in love and seeing life through rose-colored spectacles. Some thought we were foolish — wanting to invest everything in such a “new-agey” concept — and some thought our business might not stand the test of time.
Now entering our 14th year in business, we have navigated the steep learning curve that entrepreneurs inevitably face, especially during the first five years. During those early, sometimes tumultuous years, we were weaving together a strong foundation. There are three sustaining factors that continue to guide us in our business.
Having a clear and passionate vision. While our original intention (another name for Sankalpa) felt very pie-in-the-sky, our business continues to out-picture, or manifest the intention. We are quite deliberate in our use of the law of attraction and firmly believe that having a clear vision — and feeling passionate about it — has been crucial to our success.
Setting a well-defined mission and core values. Our mission is to bring happiness, love and mind-body-spirit wellbeing to our guests, our team, to the Dubuque area and beyond. We align ourselves with divine grace in providing a safe place for people to relax, heal, connect and grow. To accomplish this mission, we created 10 core values. Additionally, a quote from Rumi “randomly” came to us and we instantly recognized how well it captured the essence of who we intend to be in our community: “Be with those who help your being.” We use this as a badge on many of our marketing pieces.
Investing the time and energy to find the words that accurately reflect the heart of your business is essential to maintain and grow that business, as well as sustaining your entrepreneurial soul.
Being true to yourself. When you have a vision and a defined mission and values, you are essentially providing a beacon of light for your sangha — a safe, sacred community of like-minded people who resonate vibrationally with one’s authentic expression — to find you.
Julia Theisen, with her husband Scott, is the co-founder and co-owner of Body & Soul Wellness Center and Spa and the salon by Body & Soul, leads Yoga Teacher Training & Personal Transformation 200 hours and 300 hours; and is the founder and co-producer of the Midwest Yoga & Oneness Festival in Dubuque, Iowa. This article was originally published in YogaIowa’s Spring 2018 issue.