YogaIowa Recommendations: Summer 2018
Books Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance by Angela Duckworth Duckworth was often talked down to by her scientist father for lacking “genius.” By after a long career of...
Browse the books and podcasts that are helping us keep our New Year’s resolutions, ponder Eastern philosophy and meditate on love and relationships prior to Valentine’s Day.
From Baron Baptiste to Waylon Lewis to Big Gal Yoga’s Valerie Sagun, these books and podcasts are keeping our spirits up this fall season.
While the online format presents its own challenges and drawbacks—including the lack of actual human touch, which can’t be replaced virtually (yet) — video offerings are growing in quality and might represent the only way to get to some of the greats like Shiva Rea or Baron Baptiste, both of whom have free videos on YouTube.