


A ParaYoga sequence for empowerment

This practice uses chanting, dynamic movement and a bandha to create a powerful energetic shift within so you feel more enlivened and more capable.


Christopher Raven, yoga musician

Everything works in harmony — a reflection of the life Christopher Raven has found. Not too long ago, though, this man was lost, known by another name: Chris Saub. For more than two decades, a pendulum swung back and forth between music and Christian ministry — or spirituality as he knows it today.

Healthy Living

The magic of mushrooms

“Mushrooms are packed with pure protein, have the ability to lower cholesterol, combat bad cholesterol, support heart health, and have a few if any calories,” said Andy Walke, Omaha-based mushroom farmer.

Transformative Travel

Transformative Travel: A warm welcome at Norway’s ice hotel

As I finished my drink, I realized that the highlight of this trip was not the reindeer feeding, snowmobiling or anticipation of aurora borealis sightings. There was something deeply inspiring, and it came from the understated and humble Norwegian people. In just the past few days, they had reinvigorated my faith in humanity.

Healthy Living

Easing into a plant-based diet

Maybe you’ve heard all about the many benefits of a plant-based diet and have dabbled a bit here and there. It is also likely you may know someone who has made the switch and experienced huge improvements in their physical health. The claims are bold, saying that a plant-based diet can decrease your risk of chronic diseases, such as cancer, heart disease and diabetes.

Arts, Yoga

Why we love crystals

Like the proverbial crow drawn to shiny objects, humans as a species have been intrigued by stones and crystals for centuries. From amulets and talismans carved out of mammoth ivory to modern-day excavated turquoise and emerald, our affinity for and curiosity surrounding the power of crystals is undeniable.

Off the Mat, Yoga

Q&A: Janine Gustafson of Yoga Okoboji

Get a peek into day-to-day operations at Yoga Okoboji during Janine Gustafson’s YogaIowa Instagram takeover March 25-31. Follow YogaIowa: @yogaiowa_magazine Walk me through your yoga journey. How did you become…