Astrology forecast (July 2018): Solar and lunar eclipses

A partial solar eclipse will take place on July 12, and a total lunar eclipse on July 27.
Typically, there can be unfavorable events worldwide during this two-week period. (Watch for significant national/international events and news about highly-placed persons.)
The partial solar eclipse occurs on July 12 at 8:48 p.m. central time during a new moon in the sign of Gemini — and will not be visible in the U.S. Only those in southern Australia and northern Antarctica will be able to view the eclipse as it occurs over the Pacific and Indian oceans.
The total lunar eclipse occurs on July 27 at 2:30 p.m., during a full moon in the sign of Capricorn. The eclipse will also not be visible in the U.S., but rather in Australia, Asia, Africa, Europe and South America. It is considered to be the longest eclipse of the 21st century.
According to Vedic astrologers, eclipses are not favorable and it is better to rest, fast, listen to spiritual music or chants and meditate during the eclipse. It is also said that spiritual practices such as yoga are much more profound and evolutionary when performed during the time of the eclipse.
If we consider that Rahu and Ketu, the north and south nodes of the Moon, cause the eclipses, then we see that these negative influences are “swallowing” the Sun and Moon, which are the king and queen of the planetary cabinet, ruling our minds, emotions, hearts and souls. Watch your emotional state and be careful in crowds or around volatile persons.
Sara Hawthorne is a Systems’ Approach Vedic astrologer, consultant and educator. She specializes in helping people with career, relationship and health advice. Subscribe to Planetary Sara’s weekly newsletter, email Sara and check out her Facebook and Instagram pages. All her services including life readings, yearly transit reports and compatibility readings can be found at This article appears in Summer 2018 issue of YogaIowa.